Thursday, April 19, 2007

Diesel you say? That's right America.

This is the third time Lori and I have rented a diesel auto in Europe. No, not a Mercedes or other high end vehicle. Two VW’s in Germany and a Fiat this year in Italy. These cars rock! They have great power and speed. AND, most importantly, the are fuel efficient. Our makeshift quick figures got us in the 50 mpg category with our Fiat Idea, a good size (VW Passat-ish) wagon/sedan. Currently, here in New England, diesel is costing more than high test gasoline. Why is that? In Germany and Italy regular diesel was about 20% LESS than regular gas! Does this bother you? It sure gets my throttle elevated. If you’re an average American, you usually only know about pickups, Mercedes sedans or tractor trailer trucks being diesels. Check out this quick 5 minute blurb on Jay Leno’s sight. Let the first 30 seconds or so run before the video gets into the interview.

Who’d have thunk it, eh? Hey, let’s get into diesel. Or, let’s give green incentive tax breaks, a lot of brew ha ha and pump up the hybrids with limited power, $7000 battery sets, goofy aerodynamic frog designs and, oooh, 50-60 mpg.

I don’t mean to really knock hybrid. It’s all good as far as I’m concerned. Anybody remember the 70’s gas shortages and rationing, lines and fist fights? Horn honking on the highways by other motorists if you exceeded 55 mph? Hybrids, diesel... anything that gets us off the petro tit. I’m for it.

Diesel is better than hybrid. Right now we have great technology that’s proven and working. It’s kicking MPH butt. I can attest to it. Read this Money.CNN article on the “Axis of Diesel” check out the other links at the bottom of this article.

As the Jay Leno video says, we are looking at 70 to 80 mpg NOW. If you get 18 to 30 now this could keep big bucks in your wallet if you drive any distance at all per year. The Germans have been behind diesel and seemed to have seen the light for some time now. They have worked out many of the kinks and R and D. I’m not real sure but I think diesel needs much less refining than gasoline. So, the big question is...why don’t we see it here in the United States?

Why is diesel so expensive here when it’s so cheap in Europe? They even have different grades of diesel at many stations in Europe, especially, Germany where I saw bio diesel for sale.

UPDATE: Honda announces New clean diesel Accord:

Keep your eyes and ears tuned into this diesel movement. I predict it will be appearing soon at your nearest car dealer and filling station. It’s an awesome thing.

here’s a little more info.

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