Thursday, April 19, 2007

Useless airlines...USAirways.

Well, air travel just wears me out. Aside from check in lines, anti terrorist policies (1 quart plastic zip lock baggies to hold liquids and 9 million other products you need on a trip), searches, shoe and belt removal and all the things in a long list of things to slow you down for security sake. You’ve got weather, early arrival and perhaps the unkindest cut of all “bad airlines”.

Airline personnel are a cross section of people. It’s the same for all businesses, you get some great employees who elevate the company they work for and some employees that just drag the whole thing into this deep pit. Talk amongst my travelled friends and a recent trip to Italy put U S Air at the lower dregs of the bottom of that pit. In the future I will try my best to steer clear of this embarrassment to the name U S. No drawn out tirade on the inadequacies of US Air and it’s employees. Just trust me and try another carrier.

I heard of the recent apology by a power that be of Jet Blue Airlines. It seemed to have to do with travelers locked into a Jet Blue airplane for 10 hours. Our US Air, Rome flight was 6 hours on the ground at Philly airport with one serving of water during that time. This is no big surprise to me. Twenty years ago I spent 5 hours on a packed United 747 on Honolulu airport’s 90 degree tarmac. In preparation to sit in the same bulkhead (non reclining) seat for an endlessly arduous flight to Chicago.

Not much changes. It just gets worse and worse. I would recommend Am Track for 10 to 12 hour travel from your home base. I’ve recently done a couple such trips via railroad and feel it to be a very viable alternative to alleviate air travel blues syndrome or ATBS. TTFN.

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